Debts in Bankruptcy

Types of Debts in Bankruptcy There are different types of debts in bankruptcy.  Not all debts are treated the same in bankruptcy since Congress decided that certain types of debts are more important than others types of debts in bankruptcy. As a result, the way bankruptcy affects a particular debt depends on what kind of… Continue reading Debts in Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy without losing house

Filing bankruptcy without losing house happens all the time.  This is usually one of biggest concern with my clients that own property.  It’s understandable that there is so much concern about filing bankruptcy without losing house since our homes are usually are largest asset (and usually our largest debt).  Most people are able to keep… Continue reading Bankruptcy without losing house

Bankruptcy when you own a house

Many people want to know if they file bankruptcy what will happen to their house.  The treatment of your house in bankruptcy will be different depending  on which type of bankruptcy you end up filing. There are a number of types of bankruptcy.  The type of bankruptcy you file can be tricky decision and any… Continue reading Bankruptcy when you own a house